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Total citations 17,895
h-index 58
i10-index 105

Last updated January 2025


Patient 1: Forgetting and finding myself – with Charlotte Raven. Jonathan Cape (Penguin), 2021

Book chapters

  1. Biofluid Biomarkers for Huntington’s Disease
    F Rodrigues, L Byrne & E Wild
    In Methods in Molecular Biology: Huntington’s Disease
    eds. Precious, Rosser & Dunnett. Springer, 2018.
  2. Premanifest and Early Huntington’s Disease
    E Wild & S Tabrizi.
    In Huntington’s Disease (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics), 3rd ed. Eds G Bates, L Jones & S Tabrizi. Oxford University Press, 2015.
  3. Huntington’s Disease & Other Choreas
    S Haider, E Wild & S Tabrizi.
    In Neurodegeneration, ed. A Schapira. Wiley, 2014.
  4. Huntington’s disease look-alike syndromes
    E Wild & S Tabrizi.
    In Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology: Movement Disorders (2nd edition), ed. D Burn. Oxford University Press, 2013.
  5. Huntington’s Disease
    S Tabrizi & E Wild
    In Neurogenetics: A Guide for Clinicians (2nd edition), ed. N Wood. Cambridge University Press, 2012
  6. Huntington’s Disease and Dementia
    E Wild, N Hobbs & S Henley.
    In Neuroimaging in Dementia (1st edition), ed. F Barkhof, J Valk & N Fox. Springer-Verlag, 2011

PhD Thesis

Identification and evaluation of biomarkers for Huntington’s disease, 2009. University College London.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

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