Daily Mail: World’s first blood test predicts when someone is likely to get Huntington’s disease Daily Mail, 12th June 2017
Economic Times – New blood test can predict onset of Huntington’s disease Economic Times, 8th June 2017
Telegraph – Simple blood test holds out hope for Huntington’s disease breakthrough Telegraph, 8th June 2017
Seattle Times – Huntington’s disease is going to kill him, but this Bellingham scientist is tackling it head-on Seattle Times, 30th May 2017
Catholic Herald – Pope Francis’s words of compassion for Huntington’s sufferers have been a long time coming Catholic Herald – 18th May 2017
Deutschland Funk – Die Kraft der gene: Hoffnung bei erblichen Muskelleiden Deutschland Funk – 7th May 2017
Journal of Huntington’s Disease – Stewarding Hope: The Evolving Landscape of Huntington’s Disease Science Communications Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 28th March 2017
eLife – Plain-language Summaries of Research: The value of a healthy relationship eLife – 15th march 2017
New Scientist – Genetically-modified humans: what is CRISPR and how does it work? WIRED, 5th February 2017